5 Tips for Having a Joy-Filled Monday

Monday — the day we have all dreaded at some point in our lives for one reason or another. For those with jobs, it’s the start of another week of work, projects, and meetings. For students, it’s the beginning of another week of writing papers, taking exams, attending lectures, and studying. For stay-at-home parents, it may mean the start of another week of early mornings getting kids fed, dressed, packed, and out the door for school, having less help during the day from a partner that works outside of the home, driving to appointments or extracurricular activities, and endless hours of housework and food preparation. 

Mondays can be a drag simply because it means that the weekend is officially OVER!

Have you been there?

I know I have at different times in my life! I remember dreading Mondays as a college student. I remember dreading Mondays as an employee. And I EVEN dreaded Mondays when I became a full-time stay-at-home mom.

Why? Because I woke up on Mondays already feeling stressed, defeated, and behind. I looked at what was on my schedule for the week ahead and got easily overwhelmed. Whether it was the school work I had to complete, clients I had to meet with, or just the day in and day out realities of being a stay-at-home homeschooling mom, I anticipated the week with anxiety and stress instead of peace and joy. 

But something I’ve come to learn is that it doesn’t have to be that way forever. We don’t have to wake up every Monday with dread, anxiety, and irritation. We can have joy-filled Mondays that kick off our weeks with excitement, hope, and empowerment!

If Mondays are a struggle for you and you can use some encouragement, here are five practical tips for how to have a more joy-filled (not dread-filled) Monday:

1. Prepare For Monday On Sunday

One of the main reasons I believe Mondays are stressful for a lot of us is because we don’t take the time to truly prepare for the new week. If we don’t prepare, we feel like we’re starting the week already behind and frazzled which creates a rough Monday! But if we take a little time on Sunday to set ourselves up for a good Monday, the day (and week) will run much more smoothly. Here are some practices you could incorporate on Sundays to set yourself up for success on Monday: 

This list isn’t exhaustive, but it hopefully gives you a good place to start!

2. Create An Enjoyable Morning Routine

Implementing a morning routine that you LOVE will start your Monday off on a positive note instead of a negative one. What would make your morning more enjoyable? What could you do to bring happiness into your day right at the start? Maybe an unhurried cup of hot coffee or tea brings you delight. Maybe a good skincare routine helps you to feel confident. Maybe morning Pilates or an outdoor walk lifts your mood. Maybe time in the Word helps to give you perspective for your day. 

Truly take the time to think about it and write down all the things that could increase your joy at the start of your week. And then put it into action! You don’t have to incorporate everything at once. Maybe you simply decide to start by making a little more time in the morning to enjoy your coffee before you get ready for the day. After that becomes a consistent routine, you can consider adding another morning habit that brings you joy.

3. Avoid Overcommitting Or Overscheduling

Busyness seems to be more culturally normal than not (at least here in the United States), but that doesn’t mean we have to join in the rat race others seem to be consumed with. Yes. We have jobs and responsibilities that we must show up for. Yes. This can take up a lot of our time and energy. But no. We don’t have to say “yes” to so many things that we feel overwhelmed and overstimulated throughout every day of our week (and especially at the start of our week). 

We don’t have to go to every social opportunity, church event, or playdate we’re invited to. We don’t have to go out with friends after work every night or to the gym everyday (unless those things are fun and bring joy to you and good health). 

In order to have a joy-filled Monday, get in the habit of NOT putting so many things on your calendar that are unnecessary and draining. Set boundaries with your time and only say “yes” to the most important things.

4. Put One Fun Thing On Your Calendar

I truly believe that we don’t leave enough space in our lives for things that are fun. This became especially true for me when I became a mother. Most moms I know can’t tell me even one of their current hobbies or something that sounds fun to them. YIKES! But I think that one of the ways we can have a joy-filled Monday is by acknowledging what sounds fun and prioritizing it on our calendars.

What is something that sounds fun to you that you could easily put on your calendar for Monday? It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It doesn’t even have to take a ton of time. Maybe a long *everything* shower sounds fun to you (shave those legs, use that body scrub, do the 10 step skincare routine, deep condition your hair). Maybe listening to your favorite album while enjoying a yummy snack sounds fun. Whatever it is, make space for it in your day! You can’t dread the entire day if you make sure that not everything is dreadful.

5. Adopt A "One Thing/Day At A Time" Mentality

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

How do you get through a week? One day at a time.

How do you get through a day? One thing at a time.

Taking each day moment by moment instead of focusing on the whole day or the whole week helps us to endure when life feels overwhelming. If you find that you typically wake up feeling stressed at the start of your week, try to break your day down into more manageable pieces. This is more of a mental process than anything, but it really does help!

Instead of looking at the whole day ahead, start by focusing on your morning routine. Do your best to stay present with that and get through your morning well. Starting the day with a quick win will build momentum for the remainder of your day! Now that your morning has started, you can focus on the next task of your day. Maybe that’s a work-related activity or something you need to accomplish at home. Be present with that and give it your best shot. Now that you’ve finished that, you can take on the next thing. 

Before you know it, you have made it through another Monday successfully by doing one thing at a time and not stressing about ALL the things on your plate for the day. This is how you can approach your week or really anything in life!

“One thing at a time”

 “One day at a time”

“One task a time”

“One minute at a time” 

Final Thoughts

Mondays aren’t doomed to be a drag forever. You can find joy and hopeful anticipation for your week with a little intention. So don’t give up! Don’t subscribe to the lie that Mondays have to be hard and horrible. Start believing that your life can be better and your Mondays can become another one of your favorite days. 

Happy Monday!

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