March Goals

It’s March 1st which means it’s time to set my intentions and goals for the month! After having a hard month in February, I’m ready for a good reset. When my husband and I first met and eventually got married, one of the words we talked a lot about was the word “intentional”. We wanted to be intentional in our relationship, intentional in the way we approached our marriage, intentional as parents, and intentional in our individual lives. We didn’t want to live our lives passively or aimlessly. We wanted to use our time meaningfully and purposefully.

If you read my last post, you may remember that one of my struggles last month was experiencing this deep sense of purposelessness. It’s not that I don’t believe I have a purpose, but since becoming a mom, it’s been harder to identify my purpose outside of my role in motherhood. And don’t get me wrong. Raising kids into godly adults is such a meaningful and worthwhile purpose. But I think it’s sometimes hard to process the reality that there were other passions, talents, and interests that excited me before becoming a mom that I don’t always know how to find place for in this season of raising littles. I don’t believe all that God has placed on our hearts to do and become just goes away because we have babies. So how do we explore all the purposes God has for us even when so much of our time and focus needs to be devoted to our families? 

I think one of the ways to work through this is to get intentional. Instead of living passively in the day to day business of taking care of kids, going to work, or attending school, maybe it’s time to identify what God may be calling us to in this season of life and how we can engage in that just a little bit more. Has God placed it on your heart to build better friendships? Heal from your trauma? Practice hospitality more? Start a small business? Serve in your local community? Express yourself artistically? Learn a new parenting technique? Connect more to your spouse? How can you be more intentional in taking steps towards that thing God has been speaking to you about? How can you take even the smallest action towards your biggest ambitions? That’s what I want to focus on this month as I set goals and work towards them with intention. I hope you join me in doing the same!

So let’s talk about my goals for the month March:

My March Goals

Publish Blogs Weekly

For a long time now, I have wanted to get into the practice of posting a blog at least once a week. However, I have yet to achieve this due to my own lack of consistency and effort. One of the skills I believe the Lord wants to develop in me in this season of life is the skill of writing, and one of the ways I want to say “yes” to His leading is by publishing a blog post at least once per week even if no one is reading what I write or the posts aren’t perfect. I can tend to be a perfectionist who procrastinates from lack of confidence in my abilities, but this is so counterproductive to growth. This month, I want to push myself to just publish the blogs. I want to encourage, share stories, uplift, educate, and connect in this space as I work on the practice of writing. I hope you all stick around and are encouraged in what I share!

Go on Daily Walks

After being sick and having a mentally difficult month, my exercise practices have become less routine and more sporadic. So this month, I want to get back into going on some type of walk on a daily basis even if it’s only for 10 to 15 minutes. Where I live in Colorado, we’re still getting colder weather and snowy days, so I may not always be able to (or want to) go on a walk outside. But I do have a walking pad for those colder days, so it’s totally possible for me to walk every day.

Read 4 to 5 Books

This will be on my list every month as I work towards my overall goal of reading 52 books this year. I’m currently on track with my goal and want to keep it that way, so I need to read about 4 or 5 books this month to keep moving in the right direction. I’m currently finishing the book Dream Big by Bob Goff, and I am really enjoying it. Something that I have learned about myself is that I am a true mood reader and will only read books that match my current mental state, interests, struggles, or growth areas. One of my long-term ambitions for the year is to dare to dream again, so this book seemed like an appropriate pick. 

Schedule an ADHD Evaluation

Okay. I’m going to be really transparent here. In the past 6 months or so, I have done a little bit of research into ADHD symptoms in adult women due to the fact that I have a neurodivergent child and have learned that it can tend to run in families. As I’ve read and listened to multiple podcasts by adult women with ADHD, I have discovered that I completely relate to the symptoms they describe. Although this doesn’t necessarily mean that I have ADHD especially since I haven’t gone through the process of getting officially diagnosed, I have a really strong feeling that I am living with the  undiagnosed condition. So I know I need to actually take the step in scheduling an evaluation just to confirm it or rule it out because to be fully transparent, I believe a proper diagnosis could really change my life. I’m writing this here to hold myself accountable to making the call this month and getting it on my calendar. Make sure I follow through!

Watch The Passion of the Christ

This may seem like a silly goal, but I tell myself literally every year that I am going to sit down and watch The Passion of the Christ around Easter time, and I never get around to doing it. But if I set my intention now, at the very beginning of the month, it leaves me enough time to plan for it. It’s amazing how just watching a movie is harder as a parent because of the limited hours away from my children!

Reach the 150s Weight Range

If you happened to read my January Goals post, you know that I’m in the process of losing some weight after having my second and third babies back to back. I am happy to say that I reached the 160s (GO ME!), and it’s now time to work towards the 150s. To give you some information about my build, I am around 5’2 and on the curvier side, so my weight goals reflect that. For some, reaching the 160s or 150s would be amazing because of their height or build. But for me, I have some more to lose since I’m on the petite side. I’m not entirely sure where I’ll land and try to maintain, but I’m going to continue working on shedding unnecessary weight for now.

Start a New Bible Study

I finally finished my first Bible study through The Daily Grace Co. and am ready to start a new one! The study I’ve decided to work through this month is called It Is Well: Walking Away From Anxiety and Into God’s Word. I bought it a while ago, so it now seems to be sold out (so sad!). But I’m looking forward to processing through some of my struggles with anxiety through the filter of God’s Word. Check out The Daily Grace Co. website if you’re looking for a Bible study to work through!

Wrapping Up

I’m sure I could add more to this list, but I don’t want to get too carried away. I want to make sure to set realistic expectations for what I can do in a month, so I am not going to add too much or too little. The point of setting goals is not necessarily to achieve huge, long-term goals in a moment. The purpose is to simply take small steps over and over again until the bigger goals are met through intentional, faithful action.

I truly hope that the month of March will be full of intentional actions, exploring the purposes God has for us, living encouraged, and walking in faith. Blessings to you all as you set your goals and meet them!

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